Why do I fear change? The picture in this post is of me about 8 years ago. Since then I've lost 60 pounds, changed my hair color, married my first kiss and had my first child. Not to mention that I went through a dramatic awakening and deepening of my walk with the Lord. And yet, I fear change. All of those changes were for the better. I'm a better, more whole, beautiful person because of them and still I dig in my heels. I don't want any change because I fear it to be bad change not good. But for every bad thing there is a bigger blessing around the corner. Whether that is because its easier to appreciate the good things when you just experienced strife and pain.
Before I ever had Kinsey, mothers would tell me all the pain, discomfort, food cravings, frequent bathrooms breaks and even labor were worth it for that little bundle. I thought they were all crazy. Now on the other side, I think that none of those experiences are fun but we endure them because we know there is a prize at the end of it all. Along with that prize comes a whole new level of responsibility and love that I've never experienced before. I love that little girl so much. I was afraid that I wouldn't love her but I SO do.
So yet again a change that has become a beautiful blessing.
The time will come when God moves me on from my current place, and I fear it. I know it is not my purpose to be comfortable here on earth- but honestly-I want to be?!
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