You are so beautiful, and charming, and joyful, and sweet, and independent.
Some days I miss you so much at work that I feel sick to my stomach.
Some days not.
I just love you so much.
Its hard to do what's right, and not what's easiest.
I don't "like" disciplining you.
I don't "like" giving you time outs, or warnings, or swats.
I don't "like" being stern, or making you cry about eating your fruit first at dinner.
I really want to do whatever makes you happy and giggle and give me hugs.
But for your benefit in the future, to mold you into a wonderful, loving, healthy, godly woman I have to teach you these things.
Its hard. Really, really hard.
And its something I don't like.
Just so you know Kinsey, I do it for your good. Truly, completely for your good. Not to satisfy my thirst for power, or to make you miserable.
Just as God chastises His children because He loves them, so I follow His example.
Love your momma,
Heather Jo